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Meeting Title

Ashtead WIng Meeting


Monday13th October 2017


8pm – 10.00pm


Downsend School, Leatherhead

Called By

Lesley Stewart & Alice Baccelliere:  Joint Presidents

Committee Members

Lesley Stewart; Joint President (LS), Alice Baccelliere; Joint President (AB),

Karen D’Souza (KDS) Communication Secretary, Kay Saxon (KS) Treasurer, Nellie Nell (NN) Social Secretary. Committee Members:   Jennifer Norman-Green(JNG), Sally Knipe (SK) Minutes Secretary






Fused Glass workshop

Clare from craft group gave out items that members had made at workshop in Ripley on 6/11/17 which was open to all interested members.


  • AB welcomed members to meeting and introduced tellers Clare Cody and Allyson Bayly.

  • Asked for volunteers to join committee, there were 2 volunteers: Lesley Broome and Sarah Minister.

  • Also asked for members to be committee angels

  • KDS gave a PowerPoint presentation review of our year “ Winging it with craft, cake and lots of alcohol”

  • Introduced committee members including those who have left during the year and those stepping down at AGM.

  • Reviewed events programme at meetings: AGM, Christmas party, Tropic skincare, Coppafeel, Speed dating, Belly dancing, Resolutions, Beckett's Gin, Murderous women, Colour matching, Poppies.

  • RAMs : Braskets, thanked Sarah Dawson for donating all plants (£80); Duck food; Poppies.

  • Fund Raiser: Quiz Night. Raised £337 thanked Chris and Chris Bedell for being Quiz Masters.

  • AB thanked KDS for presentation and introduced KS.

  • KS gave financial statement: Began year with £2,585 and finished with £2,348.

  • As last year was our inaugural year we did not have to pay Federation fees. Less was paid out for venues and we received a rebate from the Surrey federation.

  • This year we are paying £825 for venue.

  • Members have dropped from 79 to 66.

  • We paid £283 for venue hire for 9 months as Surrey Federation paid for our first 3 months at Ashtead Cricket Club.

  • We paid £485 for speakers, Surrey Federation paid for our first speaker.

  • Full Financial Statement available on website

  • Next year’s budget not yet finalised as we are still trying to find a more suitable venue as Downsend is very expensive and has no disabled access. Members were asked for ideas for venues and to email committee with any ideas.

  • It was suggested that we consult ‘Grapevine’ as there is a list of all halls for hire in Ashtead.

  • We need a bigger hall so we can recruit more members; we average 40 members/meeting out of membership of 66.

  • We need to run more fundraisers.

  • Started with 12 committee members and now have 5 + 2 new volunteers.

  • AB explained voting procedure

  • Explained what we want committee angels to do: take photos, set up hall, organise rotas, organise calendar, run any fun projects. It was suggested that all members could be put on a rota for set up, tea/coffee etc and it would be their responsibility to swap with someone else if they could not make the date. A vote was taken by a show of hands and the majority of members agreed

  •  AB and KDS handed out voting papers and votes were cast.

  • Thanked tellers who that overwhelming majority was for LS and AB continuing as joint Presidents.


Sub Groups

  • LS gave a review of sub groups:

  • Craft Group. Very popular Group has been run by Deborah who is now stepping down. Clare, Sarah and Clare will now run it between them

  • Book Group. Run by KS, Jo Murphy and Jackie Smith. Running very well.

  • Showgirls will continue to be run by NN

  • Walk and Talk will restart in Spring

  • Food Group: LS has been too busy and asked for volunteers to run this group. Gabby volunteered to organise group LS will continue to run teaching sessions. Asked if anyone was interested in a session on’canning’. Lots of members were interested in a session on making scones and jam.

  • RAMs. Members wanted to do another floral tribute this year but something different to braskets. Liz said Auriana in ‘Stems’ has some ideas on how to do things better next year.

  • We will do poppies again next year and add to the display. Suez will collect bottles for us again.

  • We will start reverse advent calendar again straight away. Non perishable items can be left at LS’s house for donation to food bank.

  • Gardening and Pamper group do not have a leader at present, there were no volunteers.


Next Year’s programme

AB told us what to expect next year:

Gut health, Woodland Trust, Members meeting, Greenpeace, Floral tribute, WI resolutions, Foody meeting, sword swallower, Poppies and AGM


Centenary Celebrations

  • AB told members about Emlyn Downs Group afternoon tea on 23/5/2018 and Surrey Federation evening event at   Wisley. We will have to make a pollinator.

  • Further details for both meetings will follow.


Next Meeting

  • Christmas Party. AB asked how many members were hoping to come and asked as many as possible to lift share.

  • Thanked all committee members and members.


Food Waste

  • KS handed out postcards for members to send to supermarkets asking for details of their food waste.

  • ​


Christmas Craft

  • LS Told us about St Georges Christmas Tree festival.

  • Diane from craft group has made some amazing decorations

  • Members were shown how to make pom-pom sugar plum fairies, and snow balls with wings and took part in a craft session.

  • LS asked for volunteers to go to ST Georges on 5/12/2018 to decorate tree.



Minutes Submitted By:


Sally Knipe…………………………………………….


Minutes Approved By:


lesley stewart…………………………………………………………………


Meeting Title

Ashtead WIng Meeting


Monday 9th October 2017


8pm – 10.00pm


Downsend School, Leatherhead

Called By

Lesley Stewart & Alice Baccelliere:  Joint Presidents

Committee Members

Lesley Stewart; Joint President (LS), Alice Baccelliere; Joint President (AB),

Karen D’Souza (KDS) Communication Secretary, Kay Saxon (KS) Treasurer, Nellie Nell (NN) Social Secretary. Committee Members:   Jennifer Norman-Green(JNG), Sally Knipe (SK) Minutes Secretary







Reuse, Recycle, Remember

All members took part in Reuse, Recycle, Remember project. Plastic drinks bottles are being turned into poppies for a display in Ashtead in November


LS told members about her visit to recycling centre to source bottles for our project. 500 bottles washed and cut off were delivered to LS’s house on Friday. Another 2 tons were delivered today but are unwashed and uncut. These extra bottles will be used only if we don’t have enough. When the display has been put up the staff from the recycling centre will be coming to Ashtead for a photo session with Wing members.


LS suggested that next year when we redisplay the poppies we could add plant labels with the names of people we know who died in war.


The display is not to raise money but to raise awareness


LS demonstrated how to spray paint the poppies as it was not possible to spray large numbers indoors.


LS will email members with dates that they can go to her house to help finish processing poppies. Members could either take poppies and spray cans home or help at LS’s house.

Fused Glass workshop

  • Clare from craft group told members about a workshop in Ripley on 6/11/17 which was open to all interested members. A signup sheet was circulated.


  • KS told members about 3 resolutions adopted by WI this year

  • Plastic Soup

  • Food waste

  • Alleviating loneliness

  • Members were told what they could do to action theses resolutions and were directed to WI website for more information

  • KS has postcards to send to supermarkets asking for details of their food waste.


Quiz Night

AB asked for payment for Quiz Night tickets



  • AB drew members attention to tea menu showing the different types of tea we have available and the list of events taking place at other local WI groups

  • AB told members that future meetings would begin promptly at 8pm



  • Next meeting is AGM. AB called for new committee members and invited members to attend next committee meeting as a trial before deciding to oin.


  • ​


Minutes Submitted By:


Sally Knipe…………………………………………….


Minutes Approved By:


lesley stewart


October Minutes:


Record of meeting held at 8pm on Monday 17th October at St Giles Dell Centre

President Alice Baccelliere welcomed 42 members and 5 guests.

We started with the news that Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall could offer us the 2nd Monday of the month. A vote was held whether this was acceptable and a huge majority voted for this offer.

Karen D’souza introduced our speaker for the evening, Khush Mark, a nutritionist. Khush explained her role as a nutritionist and her theories on the effects that certain foods have on our health. The president thanked Khush for her informative talk and also the volunteers who had baked cakes for tonight’s meeting. After a tea break, Khush spoke a little more about some areas that members had asked her about during the break.

We then moved onto to WI business. Karen D’souza asked members if they were interested in forming a Random Acts of Madness group. She described this as helping in the community OR planting bulbs in bras – so the aims would be both ‘mad’ and kind. Alice Baccelliere explained to the members the idea of advent boxes. These could be done as an individual or as a small group. These could be then passed to Epsom Ewell or Dorking food aid organisations. They have asked that nothing containing alcohol be put in the food boxes and they have been inundated with pasta and tinned tuna so please no more! Alice Baccelliere also explained that the Surrey Life magazine will not be distributed freely next year and we will have fewer copies. It is possible that we can put items on the website for all to see. The president thanked everyone again and reminded us all that the next meeting is the AGM when we will have fun as well as the standard business. She told the members that there are spaces on the committee so if they wanted to try it out as a taster. Signed as a true record of the meeting


September Minutes:


Record of meeting held at 8PM on Monday 19th September at St Giles Dell Centre.

The Presidents welcomed 30 members and 1 guest.

Record of last meeting was read/taken as read and signed.

Unfortunately Coppa Feel! were unable to attend September’s meeting so instead a fun-filled ‘Your WI’ meeting was held. Alice Baccelliere led a session including various ‘get to know you’ games which were all enjoyable and made us reflect on whether we were cat or dog people, what our ideal holiday would be, and we all enjoyed playing ‘WIngo’! Members were encouraged to enjoy a glass or more of wine, which we thank Lesley Stewart for providing.

All members were encouraged to complete a feedback form addressing members’ views on previous meetings and what they want from their WI. Along these lines, a group discussion was held to bring together ideas about what the committee can do to improve and develop Ashtead WIng. In addition to this, further issues were discussed including a plea for people to sign up to the cake making and tidying up rota, and a further plea to ask members to consider joining the committee. Members were encouraged to join the committee for a ‘taster session’ – to come along to a committee meeting to see what the committee get up to. There would, of course, be no expectation that you would have to join the committee if you attended a ‘taster session’.

Kay Saxon talked to WIng about our desire to work on the running of subgroups and encouraged members to get as involved as possible. Lesley Stewart talked passionately about wanting to involve Ashtead WIng in the local community, and suggested ideas such as planting of verbs on grass verges, bra planter hanging in Craddock’s Parade, and supporting Ashtead Recreation Ground in clearing litter. Any members interested in helping this sort of thing are strongly encouraged to come forward – please get in touch with Lesley.

A vote was held regarding the change to the venue and the day of the week of our monthly meetings. There was a majority vote for changing the day to Tuesday, and all members voted yes to changing the venue to St Michael’s Church from next January. Next month’s speaker is to be confirmed. Signed as a true record of the meeting.



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